Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Inspired by a Sahaja Yoga talk by Shri Mataji

God gives in such a way that we don’t even realize that he has given

“We” give what god has given us, and we think that we have done such a great thing.

We expect that others should see that we have given.

It is our work in this life to learn to give like god does

As Christ has said that the left hand should not even know what the right is doing.

A Poem

Who had made the grass?

Who has made the dew?

Who has made the sand and hills?

Who has made the sky blue?

Who has made the flowers?

Who has made the trees?

Who has made the oceans and it's waves?

Who has made the breeze?

Who has made the clouds?

Who has made fruit on trees?

Who has made insects and birds?

Who has made grains?

Who has made animals?

Who has made this day?

Who creates all these things?

And who.....

Gives them all away?

Friday, May 20, 2011

What God is like

Without the sun

What would I see

What warmth would I find

What life would I lead

God is like the sun

Without the earth

What should I walk upon

What plants would I eat

What place would I put my head

God is like the earth

Without my beating heart

What thought could my brain contemplate

What awareness of others would I have

What consciousness of myself would exist

God is like my beating heart

If I exist at all….. it is….. because of God

What important “thought” is greater than that