Monday, October 29, 2007

Page 7

My new understanding
The fact is that everything is a reflection. And if we can understand even “one” thing fully (inside the box) we will understand everything (outside the box). Or, if we find something outside the box it should directly relate to, and help us understand what is inside the box.
So by seeing something reflected in different ways, we confirm its’ truth
We do not need blind faith.

So you may say how do we reflect?
We are constantly reflecting on things. When we see a person who is injured we reflect by seeing ourselves in that person, or the circumstances that person is in. Our compassion comes to life, and we may say “If I was like that person. I would want some one to help me” This way our reflection causes us to act.
Or we reflect to create ambitions, like my youngest son does when he tells me how he is going to be like such and such “soccer player” and be famous. He can see his reflection in that person. There by creating an ambition.
Jesus created reflections, answering questions in parables. This was his way to allow us humans to enter the play. To give us the ability to harvest the meanings hidden in the images that he created.
Jesus used these stories to elevate our awareness, like changing the dial on the radio to a new channel.
In fact I think that Christ and all the other prophets came to show us, that there is actually a radio, and a dial. And that just because we have been listening to that same old music forever there are other harmonies out there, harmonies so wonderful, and all that much more enjoyable.

These types of reflections, “I think,” become most useful to us when we are trying to understand god.
Which can also mean, “Trying to understand ourselves”?
Which if you analyze what I just said, “try to understand ourselves” I mean try to see the source of our reflection. The source of the stream.
Now these reflections are around us, all the time. So we will need a new awareness. This starts with being aware that there is something else, letting go of the limitation that says “I know it that.”
Like looking at a peach and saying, “I know how that peach tastes,” when in reality that statement in not completely true. For while you may have eaten peaches a thousand times, those experiences, built up within you, are now fading away into the past. This exact peach might for some reason taste completely or subtly different then all the others.
So lets’ not limit ourselves and have an open mind.
To do this we need new insight, to know what to look for.
Like a master tracker, who has been hired by the local law enforcement to find a criminal in the bombing of the Olympic Games? Sound familiar?
Anyway the tracker knows that when you are on the path, what you need to do is become aware of your surroundings. You need to become aware of the broken branch, the discolored soil, the impression in the ground that was left when a rock was kicked off the path.
Like a tracker the more you do this, the better, and keener you get.
To a point when you will see the path, as a story. A story so beautifully told, that you will know, when the guy sat down and drank some water, or when he was tired and stopped to rest.
Heck you will probably even get to the point that you know, what he was thinking and where he was going.
This is what we need to do. Get familiar with our surroundings.
To me this means get familiar with what is important. The questions.

Who am I? What is my purpose?

I think this is why all the religions in the world tell you, that the key to everything is to “Know Thyself”

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