Thursday, October 18, 2007

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So now I hope that it is more apparent as to why I have said, “That at this point in my life I do not know, “who I am”? And also I do not know, “who I am not”?
What I can tell you is of my path so far in this life, and the wisdom that I have compiled. And from that you will begin to have the ability to judge me. To figure out if I am, possibly, someone you would like to listen to.
So now I invite you to accompany me, with the next step in my journey through life. As I start to add to one of my titles of who “I” am, and as I let go of one of my limitations, of “Who I am not”. I am exploring the possibility that I could be a writer. And pondering the question that I could be limitless, and in fact that the person who has stopped me from writing for the last 44 years of my life, has been “Me”.
However before I give you the beginnings of my life, I do want to tell you that, what you will find in this blog is not knowledge. Meaning, details of things that you will have to remember. Because as anyone, who knows me, can tell you, “I” am the type of person who will meet you one minute, then forget your name the next. Only to ask you your name again, while telling you how sorry I am that I forgot it. And then forget it all over again.
To this weakness of mine I am constantly embarrassed.
So the kind of knowledge that I hope to be bringing to life is what I like to think of as wisdom. Wisdom to me “means” the method in which knowledge is aquired. And not so much as the knowledge itself (Details etc).
It is through wisdom that I have found confidence in my life. Even to the point where some people consider me stubborn. I can tell you that if someone tells me something and I find that the information I have just received, (which I liken to as piece of a jigsaw puzzle, with a part of a picture on it) does not fit into my view of the world, and solving the questions that I proposed earlier, I will flat out deny it.
With this statement you might consider me narrow minded. But I ask you, how many people in life are confident that what they are doing is right? And if they are, can defend their position without getting to a point where the reasoning starts to sound like this… Because I said so, or because I read it in a book, or because I learned it in school or in church etc. etc.
Wisdom for me comes from within. It comes from asking the right questions.
Ultimately if anyone is going to have confidence, they will have to go inside themselves. Walk down the path, past the trees and the beautiful rock formations. Past the grassy meadow and find the stream. Then upon finding the stream they will need to follow it. Further and further until they reach the source.
This is what I am writing about.
The beginning. The source.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool Dan!
Reminds me of the Conversations With God series which I love and read very often.

Keep them pages comin'!