Monday, February 25, 2008

thoughts about death

At times in my life I have pondered the question of death. My mind fools me constantly into believing that I will somehow live forever.
When I have this idea I find that I have entered into a type of sleep. A sleep where I am lost in this world, I start to believe that my actions actually mean something. Like a thought that I have today will have some effect a hundred years from now.
I remember the song I heard so many times in my youth, "I like dreaming" Why is it that we as humans like to close our eyes from truth and pretend that everything will be all right? Are we really so helpless? Are we going to wait untill our death beds to ask the important questions?
"Who am I"? "What is my purpose"?

Christ said that we could have everlasting life. I think that means that if we find who we really are (the spirit) then we will see our eternal nature. Which is not the dream.
And if we don't believe in Jesus then look to the other great scriptures of the world. There is a common thread. They all say that we should know ourselves.
So here is a poem which I wrote while in deep contemplation about death. "The death of the dream" I pray that I wake to find myself, before I die.

The peace in dying

A song sung for none
Severs a thick sky
With a pining there
To belong

On a river bank
On a moonless night
blood whispers alone in the heart

Where will this end
When will be the last breath
The breath, descending from all those life bestowing breaths

Submission Once feared now welcome
No longer striving to be apart of
No longer able to stay apart
Fading , Desires Slipping from finger tips

Rendering loves’ essence
Found now a whisper
In the darkness
In a moment
In the peace.